Es que hacer un viaje es siempre algo bueno para el alma y el corazón, y más aun cuando lo hacemos con alguien que queremos con la vida!.
Aquí les dejo unas fotos de unos días increíbles en Santiago de Chile.
Mucho amor y buen fin de semana!.
Im still feeling bummed about leaving. I had one of those weeks in which you disconnect from the world and just have a huge amount of fun, laugh until your belly aches, eat a lot, talk a lot, meet fun new people and just enjoy life. Those kinds of moments are pretty priceless and what make life special.
Making a trip like this it is always good for the body and soul, specially if you make it with someone you love!.
Here are some pics from my amazing last trip to Santiago de Chile.
Much love to you all and have a nice weekend!.
Pisco Sour! |
Heladito de chicle y de guayaba con maracuya! |
Palacio de la moneda. |
Cerro Santa Lucia. |
Tiff Joy! |
Familia, amigos y amor! |
Mimo. |
Bellas Artes. |
Neruda. |
París y Londres. |