sábado, 4 de agosto de 2012


If you have no voice, SCREAM;
...If you have no legs, RUN;
...If you have no hope, INVENT.
Era 2008 y aun recuerdo cuánto amé esta música, esos personajes, esas piruetas, ese vestuario... y como no amar todo eso?. Si pude presenciar mi primer show del Cirque du Soleil, practicamente fue como estar cara a cara a un sueño anhelado... 
4 años después y con algo de nostalgia... vuelvo a pensarlos... y es inevitable no recordar esa noche con mucha Alegría Alegría Alegría!.
It was 2008 and I still remember how much I loved this music, these characters, these stunts, the wardrobe ... and how couldn`t I loved all that?. That was my first Cirque Du Soleil`s show, and It was practically like being face to face with a cherished dream... 
4 years later and with some nostalgia ... I`m thinking about them again... and it is impossible not to remember that night with great Alegría Alegría Alegría!.

Fav 5!

They didn´t miss it!