jueves, 30 de agosto de 2012
martes, 28 de agosto de 2012
Lady QUIÉN!? // Lady WHO!?
Hace mucho tiempo no la pasaba tan bien en una fiesta "casera".
Pero cómo no pasarla bien? Si el genio de mi amigo Enzo fue quien organizo todo esto! ♥
Pero cómo no pasarla bien? Si el genio de mi amigo Enzo fue quien organizo todo esto! ♥
Una idea super original, hacer una fiesta en medias, SI! medias. Resultado de que hace unas semanas termino de remodelar su casa, y qué mejor excusa para celebrar el makeover? que hacer una fiesta y recibir a tus amigos en medias para que no te rayen el piso nuevo!? AJAJAJAJ
Una noche increible, donde la risa, el alcohol y la música (karaoke incluido) no faltaron 1 segundo. Y claro el amor de grandes amistades, como la nuestra!.
Aqui les dejo algunas fotos de la noche!.
Buena semana para todos!.
I can´t remember when was the last time I had so much fun at a "house" party.
But how couldn´t I? If the genius of my friend Enzo was the one who organized all this! ♥
Super original idea, having a party in stockings, YES! stockings. All because of the makeover he had made all over his house, so what better excuse to celebrate the makeover? than having a party and having all your friends in socks so they won´t scratch your new floor!? AHAHAHAH
An incredible night, where laughter, alcohol and music (including karaoke) were not missing for one second. And of course the love of great friendships, like ours!.
Here are some pics of the night!.
Good week everybody!.

domingo, 26 de agosto de 2012
Quién los necesita, cuando tengo Ramones!?
Quién necesita letras horrendas? que lo unico que hacen es vomitar y repetir una y otra vez lo mucho que pseudo aman a alguien, como dejaron ir a esa persona y lo mucho que desearian que vuelva... todo acompañado con melodias melosas, densas y lentas.
Quién necesita toda esa mierda lenta?, SI LA VIDA PASA Y PASA RAPIDAMENTE!.
Quién necesita esa porqueria? cuando podes tener la mejor mierda y en menos de 3 minutos expresar todo eso y más y con música punk, guitarras de estruendo, baterias del infierno y una voz que te llega.
Yo no necesito canciones lentas para expresar mi amor, a mi denme algo bueno, algo que de verdad se sienta! A mi denme The Ramones, y sus canciones de amor, las mejores de la vida!.
Who needs horrendous lyrics? that
all they do is throw up and repeat over and over again how much we pseudo loved
somebody, how we let that person go and how much we would like them to
returned... all accompanied by mellow, dense and slow melodies.
Who needs all that slow shit?, LIFE HAPPENS AND PASSES QUICKLY!.
Who needs that crap? when
you can have the best shit in less than three minutes to express
all that and more!.
Punk music, guitars roar, drumms from hell and a voice that reaches you.
Punk music, guitars roar, drumms from hell and a voice that reaches you.
I do not need slow songs to express my love, give me something good, something you can really feel! Give me The Ramones,and their love songs, the best of life!.
jueves, 23 de agosto de 2012
lunes, 20 de agosto de 2012
domingo, 19 de agosto de 2012
Obsessed: Joseph Gordon-Levitt
Ever since I watched him a few years ago in some random junkie movie, I can not even remember it now, I just totally felt in love with him. And when a few weeks ago I watched 500 days of Summer.. I just knew it, he was the one for me! ♥ ahahahahah.
His faces, his talent, how akward he looks in every single scene, how special he looks in front of the camera, and of course lets not forget about the many kiss scene with the cutie of Zooey Deschanel (WOOOOHOOOO).
But seriously guys.. he is a great actor and everyone should (at least) watched one of his movies, I bet you will fall in love with him too!.
viernes, 17 de agosto de 2012
Respiro Profundo y cuento hasta 10 // Just Breath.
se vienen unos meses un poco complicados, algunos sacrificios... pero respiro
profundo, cuento varias veces hasta 10... fuerza, paciencia...Y ¡Ahi
Todo sea por mis ideales!.
Uffff... the up-coming months are going to be a bit complicated, some sacrifices ... but deep breath, count to 10 several times ... strength, patience ... And here we come!
Everything for my ideals!.
miércoles, 15 de agosto de 2012
domingo, 12 de agosto de 2012
Ta tá Olympics!.
The Olympics Closing Ceremony celebrated 50 years of British music - but
it also gave a huge nod to British fashion, with Kate Moss leading a
glamorous catwalk show of glittering gold. The top industry beauties
dramatically emerged from behind giant posters of themselves.
Ms Moss was joined by Naomi Campbell, David Gandy, Carmen Campuzarno,
Lily Cole, and Georgia Jagger, and the models donned stunning gold
ensembles by Alexander McQueen.
My other favourite moment of the evening, The Spice Girls totally rocked the Olympics Closing Ceremony with their lively performance of Wannabe and Spice Up Your Life.
The girls writhed around atop blinged-out black London cabs, and pretty much pulled out a fun-filled, fashion-fab performance... which made me felt like a 7 year old girl again ♥
Beady Eye, Fat Boy Slim, Pet Shop Boys, some Beatles songs, an some many others that made this night, one to remember.
And of course I want to congratulated to all those wonderfull athletes for their passion, talent, and all their achievements, especially to the Argentine athletes!.
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